
Made in Italy


The company was born in March 2014 as an innovative startup.

The working skills acquired by the partners, in previous work experiences, have been put in place to create a working activity in their ​​origin area starting from nothing.

The company is maneged by two people with different competences: Dr. Angela Deodato holds the role of Administrator as a result of the knowledge acquired in previous work experiences in the financial sector. She holds a degree in Banking, Financial and Insurance Sciences.

The Mechanical Engineer Marco Raffaele has covered multiple functions in several Automotive Companies for which he worked, that allowed him to deepen all aspects related to the product and the production process.

The corporate structure thus composed, was able to create and develop an innovative technical-production process therefore to transfer it to the human resources involved.

The company deals with the conception, design, production and sale of components in composite material in the motorcycle sector.


Developing technologies and exploiting the experiences in the top motorcycle competitions to obtain ever more performing products.

Our missions

Our aim is to create with ingenuity, components in composite material with the typical characteristics of the Italian product: design, functionality, originality.

Objects designed and created in order to make your bike special.


di crescita annuale del fatturato


articoli personalizzabili che generano 1200 varianti


sponsorizzazioni tecniche con team partecipanti a: campionato mondiale Superbike, campionato mondiale Endurance, campionato PreMoto3, campionato mondiale formula SAE, campionato International Grand Prix.

Superbike ™ technical sponsor

The first appointment of September 2020 was a weekend of races that will go down in history: the first victory in the Superbike world championship for Michael Ruben Rinaldi astride the Ducati V4 of Team Go Eleven and a similar result in the PreMoto3 championship with Demis Mihaila with a prototype built by ‘Academy GP.



La nostra Struttura è in grado di partire dall’idea, traducendola nella progettazione, prototipazione e realizzazione del componente in serie. Le idee nascono dagli input provenienti dalle diverse collaborazioni tecniche e commerciali

Il prototipo

La fase successiva di prototipazione viene eseguita utilizzando servizi esterni di stampaggio 3D oppure internamente con lavorazioni artigianali.

La lavorazione

Una volta definiti tutti gli aspetti preliminari, in Azienda vengono realizzati gli stampi per la produzione in serie. Ogni componente è lavorato a mano con l’ausilio di opportune attrezzature. Viene posta la massima cura nella scelta dei materiali e in ogni fase di realizzazione.

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